Friday, January 2, 2015

1st entry for 2015

It's 1.57 am and I am having trouble sleeping. Maybe petang td dah tidur berjemaah with Farhan or my mind is racing and thinking milllions of things at the same time buat aku tak lelap.

Resah gelisah jiwa. Mungkin sebab tak leh solat. Serabut kepala. Tahun 2015 dah bermula. Walaupun banyak aku achieve in 2014,  tapi sebab tak habis-habis master ni makes me feel like a failure. Rimas boleh tak. Semangat pon dah takde dah. I just wanna get on with my life and do other things. This master or rather my inability to complete it is holding me back from excelling in other areas.

Trying to look in a bigger perspective,  2014 is spent much being a mom to Farhan. I dropped everything for him. Tak sihat sikit, aku cuti. Sampai boss pon aku rasa bengkek jek, asyik EL. Sorila bos my son comes first. Kalau tak buat apa-apa or pegi mana-mana just guling-guling dan bergumpal dgn Farhan pon aku rasa content. Such a great experience. Now that dia tengah nak start bercakap owh bestnya pastu banyak mender-mender kelakar he did yang buat aku dan Ed terburai gelak. Siang tadi baru jek dia cakap kat neighbour aku,  bye nenek.  Jiran aku tu baya aku! Omg farhan selamba kodok je ko panggil org nenek!

Thank you Allah for choosing me to become a mother to this wonderful, cheeky boy. I love and will cherish every second i spend with him. InsyaAllah.

Pasal banjir kat pantai timur. Memang dasyat kan. Som kampung macam kena langgar garuda. Nothing left except the clothes on their backs. Memang nangis tengok berita atau kat media sosial. YA Allah ringankanlah beban mereka dan bukakanlah hati kami rakyat Malaysia untuk.menghulurkan bantuan dengan ikhlas.

Oklah dah ngantuk. Post merapu sikit. Dan bercampur-campur. See ya peeps.


  1. Awak..your first paragraph tu really spell out apa yg i rasa...tadi baru soul searching dgn colleague..dia bagi semangat. Kita sedang berjihad, semoga Allah permudahkan and 2015 ni kita berazam utk habiskan studies, boleh? Jom!

    1. Kan sis, argghhh rimas tau. Seriously. I dok pikir, why did I embark in this journey in the first place. Certainly my work doesn't require masters for promotion ke haper ke. Tahla memang tak semangat sis. tp serabut kan. Resah jek ati sebab eii tak abis2 tau mender ni. So jom sis. Lets get this over once and for all! (pinjam semangat u sikit, sebab I tgh x semangat ni)

  2. Orang belajar, ko nak belajar... dah belajar, malas pulak... hahahaha... baguihhhh !

    Sabor jer la...

    Pi jumpa pensyarah selalu, semoga dapat semangat !

  3. insyaAllah semoga dipermudahkan urusan nak abeskan Master tu.. hehe..

    well tak semua yang kita rancang will go smoothly kans.. Allah beri ujian sket dlm perjalanan Master and Allah beri kelebihan dengan Farhan's around.. here and there all in Syukur segalaya..
